Dec 17, 2008

It's Magic!!

Published in Coolavenues

I say I swish my wand, call out ‘wingardium leviosa’, at your hat and cause it to hover in mid- air. Well that’s classic magic for all potter heads to believe and may I confess that officially I am a committed potter head myself. Or say you feel like eating chocolate fudge late night and the delivery boy drops one at your doorstep by mistake. You can take it as a lucky coincidence, or a wish of the moment granted, or perhaps a little bit of both. Or say you had a dream about a friends visit and the next morning you know the very person drops in for a hello!! So what’s your interpretation of the event- an intuition? , a premonition? , or was their something more to it???. When you want something, wanna have something, wanna see somebody, or achieve something, the entire universe conspires to grant you your wish. Sounds familiar??? This pearl of wisdom is dropped from Paulo Coelho and the Guru goes on to tell us that there are omens strewn across our path, we only need to recognize them and realize their significance. After all everything happens for a reason and there is always a good reason behind it.

Magic may be a simple five letter word, with two vowels and three consonants, but means different things to different people, has varied interpretations and conjures up myriad of images and allusions. When a mother holds her baby for the first time, the moment is magical for her. When you return home after a bad day at office, a simple reassuring smile from your partner can work magic. A guys first date is magical and so is every girls Cinderella night. The belief in the existence of the greater power, the omni potent and the omni present Almighty God only implies the existence of something else, which can be paraphrased as ‘good things happening to good people’.

For me magic is love, and love is the greatest magic, the supreme philosophy, the truth stripped to its bare minimum, the life giving force which cradles this planet through sunrise and sunset. The fact that this earth is but an imperfect sphere, hanging mid-air is magic- a thread which runs deep through this creation, its existence and its truth. There is nothing sub or super about it. Everyday we sleep, we get up, we breathe, we eat, we drink and we procreate because that’s the magical law of nature- as natural as can be, as obvious as it seems, and yet continue to mystify and baffle generations. Guess simplicity does leaves one stump!!!!!!

Dec 10, 2008

Looking Back...

Looking back, over my shoulders 
I see pages flipping with the breeze 
I see pictures smiling and peeping through those pages 
As I sit to contemplate my learnings over the ages 

Sweeping breeze.. sweeping me in its embrace 
Embracing the scrawls of my life 
Those scribbled mornings, noons and nights 
And as I flip through my chaptered days 
I chance upon my MBE phase 

Those lecture rooms and endless hours 
Hushed whispers synchronized with frequency bars 
That pleasured talking as professor teaches 
Lost pleasure, when the lecture finishes 
Are woven deep into my learning curve 
Forever framed, forever preserved 

That coffee smell... still lingers on, refusing to be contained in its cup 
Brewing pure longing in my nostalgic pub 
That ten bucks which I still owe to my mate 
Is safely secured in my pocket, till date 
Reminding me of those good old days 
Those reckless spendings and our careless ways 

That early morning rush for the lecture at nine 
And being shown the doors for not making on time 
That comforting hug, that laugh, occasional sniffs and the gossips too 
All form a part of the package, without which I could never do 

Those essential lessons of loss and win, since I bid adieu 
Are etched safe in my skin aiding me scale heights anew 
My failings and feats, highs and lows 
Are well-chronicled in those long travelled roads 

And I know, that the blue gates which welcomed me every morning 
Still wait to creek a welcome 
That familiar lane of Benito Juarez, still calls me for a ride 
Pulling me towards itself to the comfort zone of my campus life.